Arms Warrior Sims
SimulationCraft Results • WoW Dragonflight • Patch 10.2.7
Below ranks the abilities and buffs that were used in the simulation. This can be helpful to see which abilities make up the bulk of the total damage done, giving insight into what should be prioritized in your DPS rotation. The Time Spent tab, combined with "Max" mode, gives great insight into where your time should be optimally spent in a rotation.
Some common abilities might be missing, SimC does not always properly log the abilities used in the simulation.
Damage Done
The total damage each ability averaged during sims.
- Mortal Strike26.03%
- Execute Damage22.39%
- Overpower12.33%
- Auto Attack Mh7.06%
- Thunder Clap T315.08%
- Rend5.01%
- Deep Wounds3.55%
- Fatality3.45%
- Rezans Fury2.7%
- Colossus Smash2.58%
- Slam2.32%
- Vicious Brand2.29%
- Overwhelming Rage1.03%
- Mark of Fyralath1.02%
- Roiling Shadowflame0.85%
- Sidearm0.82%
- Vicious Brand Self0.73%
- Thunderous Roar0.5%
- Thunder Clap0.24%
- Charge Impact0.01%
Time Spent
The average number of times each ability was cast during sims.
- Auto Attack Mh54.37%
- Overpower12.41%
- Execute12.33%
- Mortal Strike12.2%
- Slam2.84%
- Whirlwind2.52%
- Colossus Smash2.2%
- Thunderous Roar0.59%
- Thunder Clap0.55%
The average time buffs were active during the duration of the sims.
- Allied Wristguard of Companionship100%
- Firestarter95.8%
- Roused Shadowflame82.31%
- Wild Strikes81.27%
- Corrupting Rage80.39%
- Juggernaut79.28%
- Test of Might49.15%
- Martial Prowess40.53%
- Avatar25.34%
- Wafting Devotion23.34%
- Recklessness23.03%
- Bloodlust16.91%
- Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power12.68%
- Sudden Death11.01%
- Rage of Fyralath2.08%
This is the gear profile used in this simulation. Item enhancements are all maxed out for the simulation, however some may not be displayed properly below.
- Head Verdant Plate Crown
- Neck Amulet of Eonars Chosen
- Shoulders Molten Vanguards Shouldervents
- Back Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl
- Chest Molten Vanguards Plackart
- Wrists Allied Wristguard of Companionship
- Hands Molten Vanguards Crushers
- Waist Unwinding Eon Girdle
- Legs Molten Vanguards Steel Tassets
- Feet Molten Vanguards Greatboots
- Finger 1 Ring of Contempt
- Finger 2 Archdruids Tainted Seal
- Trinket 1 Cataclysmic Signet Brand
- Trinket 2 Rezans Gleaming Eye
- Main Hand Fyralath the Dreamrender
- DPS161,133.46 DPS
- Sim Build54847
DPS Timeline
Scale factors were ran in this simulation, below is the resulting stat priority and stat weights.
Scale factors were not calculated in this sim.