Arms Warrior
WoW Class Guide • WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7
DPS Rotation
This rotation guide should help give a basic understanding of what to do, what's most important, and how to prioritize Arms Warrior abilities and cooldowns.
Single Target Rotation
- Rend (when debuff has < 4s remaining )
- Avatar
- Sweeping Strikes (if multiple nearby targets)
- Colossus Smash
- Thunderous Roar (during Colossus Smash or Test of Might)
- Execute (if target is < 35% health or with Sudden Death procs)
- Mortal Strike (to maintain Deep Wounds)
- Overpower (to buff Mortal Strike)
When nothing else to do, use Slam but only if the target has more than 35% health.
AoE Rotation
- Thunder Clap (cast when multiple targets are present instead of Rend)